Human Trafficking

     Human trafficking is when others are forced into slavery, abusing the human rights of another. Sex slaves are often beaten, starved, treated like animals, and forced to work as prostitutes. This trafficking industry is one of the largest criminal businesses in the world, an estimation of 27 million people are sex slaves in modern society.  Statistics on the amount of people “trafficked”, or forced into sexual slavery, often tend to vary, for trafficking organizations are underground activities. This illegal act is targeted mainly towards young women and children (in fact, they are half of the estimated 27 million people trafficked annually); however, people of different sexes and ages are involved in trafficking. This issue has been raised amongst many continents and most countries. Human trafficking can occur anywhere, from less industrial countries, to more developed countries.  In America alone, over 100,000 children are involved in sex slavery. These kids are often abducted by being distracted by sweet talk or the “opportunities” offered to them by their kidnappers. In search to find their victims, the abductors locate themselves at popular places such as malls or parks, although some advertising is done from internet, giving the pimps and other organizations less of a chance of being caught. Sex trafficking is extremely difficult to stop, for many of the victims are scared to come forth with any type of information.  By being trained to think and act with a controlled mindset, it disables these hostages to think for themselves anymore. Most sex slaves are forced into this slavery against their own will, and many of the children involved in human trafficking were submitted by their own parents in order to pay bills, buy food, and afford nicer clothing.  Other victims of human trafficking are generally either kidnapped, or threatened to take part in this sexual activity.  Unfortunately, the amount of sex slaves seems to increase yearly, and there is little hope for those who become sex slaves. Reasons to why people start sex slave organizations may involve financial difficulties, insecurity of themselves, and enjoying the power they hold over another human being. Many of the human rights are taken from individuals, leaving victims of sex slavery a hopeless future. So the question has come to us, what can we do about this issue? Several groups have tried to decrease the amount of sex slave activity, but have not had much success. Human trafficking seems to be a world-wide issue; however, the global community seems to lack interest in helping those who are involved. This issue is not only about making the people across the globe aware, but motivating them to take action. Small groups can help make an impact, however the effect this issue has turned into a bigger problem, and will need the support of the international community to help to fix it.   

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